About Business Events Council of Malaysia (BECM)
Business Events Council Malaysia (BECM) is being established to represent the private sector voice of Malaysia’s business events industry, while increasing engagement and encouraging leadership within the industry’s supplier community. It will act as an independent private/public advisory council.
BECM act as an industry “voice” and will advocate to grow Malaysia’s market presence and competitive advantage in the region and globally through the Business Events Industry in tandem with its alignment to the national economic and social growth priorities of the Malaysian Government.
BECM will provide oversight and support for the implementation of the Malaysia Business Events Roadmap 2020 and Beyond, strategically designed to further Malaysia’s success as a preferred business destination among the competitive environment in the in regions of Asia.
Business Events will be a leading driver of Malaysia’s economic transformation across all key sectors. It will strengthen Malaysia’s international profile and global networks, build trade and investment links and power growth of the nation’s knowledge and creative industries.
To build Asia’s highest performing business events industry through government and private sectors collaboration which results in economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits to all parts of the country.
Protemp Committee
- Chairman : Mr. Alan Mark Pryor, General Manager of Kuala Lumpur Convex
- Deputy Chair : Dato’ Vincent Lim, President of MACEOS
BECM comprises of industry trade associations namely
- Malaysian Association of Convention and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers(MACEOS)
- Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA)
- Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH)
- Malaysian Society of Association Executives (MSAE)
- Malaysian Shopping Mall Association (PKK)
- International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA Malaysia Committee)
- Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA)
- Arts, Live Festival and Events Association (ALIFE)
- Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA)